Pivert's Blog

RKE2: Upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you did not modify the underlying OS, the upgrade is very straightforward.

As often for upgrades: the Masters first, then the workers.



  • Check that the current RKE2 version is supported under both OS release with the compatibility matrix here.
    In the below example, I’m running the v1.30.1+rke2r1 but Ubuntu 24.04 is supported from v1.27.16+rke2r1
  • Make sure the OS is not modified with specific tools or repositories. If it’s the case, carefully read the instruction during the do-release-upgrade
  • Check that all the nodes are healthy and in the cluster. I use aliases from Ahmet for K8S. So:
    alias kgnoowide='kubectl get nodes -o=wide
  • Ensure you have 5 GB disk space on / on each node:


Upgrade the nodes one by one starting by the masters, finishing by the workers. I decided to start by the master1 and finish by the worker3.

For each node:

  • apt update && apt upgrade -y to ensure you have the latest packages of 22.04.
  • reboot
  • Ensure the node properly comes back to the cluster
    kubectl get nodes -o=wide or kgnoowide
  • If everything is fine:
  • Use k drain <node> , especially on workers.
  • Ensure the node is up and ready after reboot
  • Use k uncordon <node> if you drained the node.

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