Add Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) to ProxmoxVE (Let’sEncrypt) via DNS.
Most of the time, http authentication for the ACME protocol is perfect. But since PVE is an infrastructure device, you might not have the option nor want to expose its port 80 on Internet, voiding the http validation.
Remains the DNS validation. I write those lines because I struggled with the (lack of) documentation, but it’s probably very easy.
First, ensure you’re DNS provider is supported by listing plugins:
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ls -lh /usr/share/proxmox-acme/dnsapi
# ls -lh /usr/share/proxmox-acme/dnsapi |grep gandi
Loading ACME account details
Placing ACME order
Order URL:
Getting authorization details from ''
The validation for is pending!
[Tue Oct 22 23:21:07 CEST 2024] Adding record success
Add TXT record:
Sleeping 30 seconds to wait for TXT record propagation
Triggering validation
Sleeping for 5 seconds
Status is 'valid', domain '' OK!
[Tue Oct 22 23:21:50 CEST 2024] Removing record success
Remove TXT record:
All domains validated!
Creating CSR
Checking order status
Order is ready, finalizing order
Downloading certificate
Setting pveproxy certificate and key
Restarting pveproxy
Loading ACME account details
Placing ACME order
Order URL:
Getting authorization details from ''
The validation for is pending!
[Tue Oct 22 23:21:07 CEST 2024] Adding record success
Add TXT record:
Sleeping 30 seconds to wait for TXT record propagation
Triggering validation
Sleeping for 5 seconds
Status is 'valid', domain '' OK!
[Tue Oct 22 23:21:50 CEST 2024] Removing record success
Remove TXT record:
All domains validated!
Creating CSR
Checking order status
Order is ready, finalizing order
Downloading certificate
Setting pveproxy certificate and key
Restarting pveproxy
Then proceed for each host in the cluster.
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